43% decrease in provider burnout with lifestyle medicine integrations
Source: ACLM
9% reduction per member per year costs over a 12-month period
Source: AJLM
35% disease remission after 2 years
Source: Diabetologia
$9,600 cost savings per year. 7-15 years of cost-savings for a patient that would be medicated for life
Source: Diabetologia
50% decrease in ED visits after identifying the needs of these patients and offering them support
Source: AJLM
Carolena Health
Access. Make health outcomes
accessible to every one.
Generating biochemistry-derived, targeted nutrition plans, built on epigenetic science, for every chronic inflammatory disease.
Adherence. Provide guidance and empower-
ment to enable the measurement of outcomes.
Building a world-class adherence ecosystem to ensure outcomes are achieved and sustained.
What the focus on "precision" and "genetics"?
Is Lifestyle Medicine more effective for any particular conditions?
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